
Monday 16 April 2012

Tom Daley could do a roaring trade setting up a diving school for players (But there are plenty of footballers out there who could probably teach him)

SOME call it gamesmanship, others say it’s simply part of the game. To me, it is, and always will be, cheating.

I’m talking of the diving epidemic which seems to be creeping back into our game more by the week.

The way it’s going, if Tom Daley doesn’t win the Olympic gold, he could do a roaring trade setting up his own diving school for footballers.

Mind you, there are plenty of players out there who could probably teach him.

When Manchester United winger Ashley Young went down for the second week in a row to win that penalty against Aston Villa, my first thought was, ‘You’re looking for his leg there, mate.’          Read Here

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