Despite wrapping myself in the measly blanket like the Turin Shroud, I am freezing.
Apparently, they keep it icy cold in jail so that germs don’t spread and I am wearing only a T-shirt, jeans and my Converse trainers – minus the laces, which they confiscated when they ‘processed me’.
What is a nice girl like me doing in a place like this? I went to the Royal Wedding for goodness’ sake.
‘Facebook is like jail. You sit around a lot and waste time, write on walls and get poked by people you don’t know,’ someone has scrawled on the wall. I hoped that was written by a man.
At the moment, I am in my ‘house’ alone but I could get a ‘cellie’ or cellmate in the morning. Oh yes, I am now down with the jailhouse slang. More
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