
Thursday 24 November 2011

Things are grim on pets' death row

MORE than 13,000 dogs and cats were destroyed in South Australian shelters last year, as their owners abandoned, neglected or failed to microchip their pets. 
Dog and Cat Management Board euthanasia figures, released for the first time to The Advertiser, show about 3800 dogs of the 10,315 admitted to RSPCA and Animal Welfare League shelters were destroyed in 2009-10.

Of the 13,300 cats admitted to shelters, 9310 were destroyed, mainly as a result of many more feral cats being caught. The figures equate to an average of 10 dogs and 25 cats being destroyed each day.

Cats and dogs are primarily destroyed when they are considered "unsuitable" to re-home because of behavioural or health problems.    Read Full

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