
Saturday 26 November 2011

Chopper blades shatter quiet

Aline D'Aoust is struggling to find peace on her property in Uruwhenua Rd in Upper Takaka.

Recently she was standing in her kitchen when her whole house began to shake.

"Thump, thump, thump. The noise was terrifying," said Ms D'Aoust.

"I looked out my window and I saw a blue helicopter coming out of the gully and towards the house. I thought it was in trouble, it was flying so low."

The helicopter was part of a magnetic survey operation by OceanaGold Ltd. OceanaGold has a non-notified resource consent to conduct exploration at Sam's Creek that was granted in June 2008.

"The helicopter had a long boom on it for doing its magnetic scanning. I saw it up close as it barely missed my house," said Ms D'Aoust.

"It flew back and forth over my property four times, very low, just over the tree tops. It spooked all the animals and they even trampled a fence they got such a fright."     Read Full

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