
Saturday 26 November 2011

Love bytes

When 46-year-old Pauline Shrimpton, the youngest of seven children, brought her new boyfriend to a family Sunday lunch, 25 of her keenly interested relatives were there to give him the once-over.

Though they'd met face to face for the first time only two days before, the couple arrived holding hands, "and that was that", Ms Shrimpton says. "They thought it was very cute."

Neville Hadfield obviously wasn't fazed by the mass inspection; he asked Ms Shrimpton to marry him 11 months later.

Mr Hadfield, 50, and Ms Shrimpton are a good example of an internet dating success story. The Nelson couple didn't meet in a bar or through friends or at work. They met online, on New Zealand dating site FindSomeone in September 2008, just three weeks before that family lunch.      More

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