
Thursday, 24 November 2011

Basque Tigress shunned for renunciation of violence

SHE lured policemen into her bed, then calmly pumped bullets into their colleagues, quickly rising to the top of the most wanted list of ETA terrorists. But the femme fatale known as La Tigresa - The Tigress - has gone from Basque separatist heroine to persona non grata.

After finally being captured and jailed, Idoia Lopez Riano renounced violence and apologised for her crimes - and as a result has been cast out by her former comrades.

Lopez, 49, assassinated 23 people as one of the leading commandos in the violent campaign for Basque independence during the 1980s. She was a lieutenant in the Madrid cell that in 1986 exploded a bomb in the Plaza Republica Dominicana that killed 12 Civil Guards, and another that killed five more later that year. Lopez was also blamed for shooting policemen as well as four soldiers and making an attempt on the life of a high court judge.  Full Read

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