
Thursday 17 May 2012

Prince Philip: I would get arrested if I unzipped that dress Duke taken aback by lady in red

CHEEKY Prince Philip copped an eyeful of a sexy blonde — and could not resist a joke about unfastening her zip-fronted dress.

The 90-year-old — famed for his non-PC comments — told a nearby policeman: “I would get arrested if I unzipped that dress!”

Philip was on a Diamond Jubilee Tour walkabout with the Queen when he spotted council worker Hannah Jackson’s bright red frock.

An onlooker in Bromley, South London, said: “It was one of Prince Philip’s classics.
“There was this girl looking pretty and he made a passing remark to a police officer.

“The cop was trying to contain his laughter, so I asked what was funny. He told me Philip said, ‘I’d get arrested if I unzipped that dress’.”                   Read Here

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