
Thursday, 29 March 2012

Madonna's MDNA: The Queen of Pop Wants You to Dance, Not Think

This post is in partnership with Consequence of Sound, an online music publication devoted to the ever growing and always thriving worldwide music scene.
There’s something depressing about Madonna’s latest video for “Girl Gone Wild.” For one, it’s the exact same concept as “Vogue,” which is now 22 years old, and for some reason Americans consider it provocative. How is that even possible? Not only did she perform at this year’s Super Bowl halftime show (a night which charted the highest ratings in American television history), but in the age of Jersey Shore1000 Ways to Die16 and PregnantToddlers & Tiaras, and TMZ, the Queen of Pop — ahem, the same royalty who’s even published children’s books — is hardly “too raunchy.” Let’s not even get started on the half a billion videos processed through YouTube on a daily basis.

Perhaps that explains why Madge feels the need to hammer in the idea that she’s still a bad girl. What most might consider established truths in the Madonna mythos has become renewable information on her 12th studio album, MDNA. ”Girls they just wanna have some fun,” she sings, echoing Cyndi Lauper on “Girl Gone Wild,” later stating that her “inhibition’s gone away.” Sound familiar? It’s a retread of almost everything she’s said before in the past 30 years, and though ultimately catchy, it lacks any subtlety or nuance to make you feel this is doing anything but reaching.         Read Full

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