
Tuesday 27 March 2012

Focus in Trayvon Martin case shifts to Washington

Sanford, Florida (CNN) -- As the special prosecutor in the Trayvon Martin case works to sort out the facts of the incident in Florida, much of the attention shifts Tuesday to Washington.

Martin's parents and family attorney are expected to attend a forum on racial profiling, hate crimes and "stand your ground" deadly force laws, sponsored by Democratic members of the House Judiciary Committee.

Meanwhile, a home school association for high school students is organizing a march and protest at the White House calling on President Barack Obama to demand a full-scale civil rights investigation into the February 26 incident.

Neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman's shooting of Martin after calling police to report him as a suspicious person has generated outrage across the country, with 18 rallies Monday alone.

Tensions continue to simmer over the case, with a new flare-up in New Orleans, where the NAACP asked the organization's national leaders to come to help defuse anger over the comments of a New Orleans police officer.         Read More

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