
Thursday 9 February 2012

Stitches from head to chin: Judge blasts 'worst knife wounds I've ever seen as man is jailed for horrific knife attack on 'the man who called him brother'

A judge with 41 years' experience in the legal profession has described the injuries of a knife attack victim as the worst he had ever seen.

Jack Berry, 20, was set upon by  Daniel Reader, 18, with a craft knife having previously being good friends.

He caused horrific facial injuries to Mr Berry after cornering him at his home over an argument about money.

Speaking during the trial over the attack, Mr Berry said he still didn't know why he was set upon in such a vicious way with the craft knife.

He said: 'He was like a brother to me. At the time I wouldn't call him anything less than my brother. I'd like to speak to him, to ask him why he did it.'       More Read

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