
Saturday 18 February 2012

Pope Creates New Cardinals

ROME—Pope Benedict XVI elevated 22 churchmen—including Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York and Edwin O'Brien, the former archbishop of Baltimore—to the rank of cardinal during a solemn ceremony, adding new blood to the exclusive circle of men who will one day elect the next pope.

The cardinals knelt before the pontiff as he crowned each of them with a crimson biretta, symbolizing the blood of martyrdom. The pontiff further bound the churchmen to him by assigning each a so-called titular church to oversee in Rome, where the pope is the local bishop.

"The new Cardinals are entrusted with the service of love: love for God, love for his Church, an absolute and unconditional love for his brothers and sisters, even unto shedding their blood, if necessary," said Pope Benedict, speaking beneath the dome of St. Peter's Basilica.    Read Here

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