
Monday 12 December 2011

What makes a great Christmas party outfit?

And lo, the three wise men travelled from the east, braving the inclement weather and all manner of hardships in order to reach their ordained destination, one which they knew they simply had to arrive at, even if they hardly understood why. It was, after all, God's command. At last, beneath the twinkling light, they arrived. As they walked through the bright archway, fringed with anticipation and mystery, they experienced a collective tremor of terror, and no wonder: they had arrived at their office Christmas party.

Do we really need a long discussion about the sociological and psychological nightmare that is the office party? Must we rehash all the hilarious – ha ha! – cliches common to such affairs? Is it necessary to list all the dos (be friendly!) and don'ts (but not so friendly that you end up shagging your boss in the loo!) to help you "navigate the office party successfully"? I'm going to go with "no" here. We all know what office Christmas parties are like and that, as a ritual, they're as daft as religion itself, and yet just as unavoidable at this time of year. So instead, let's get down to – for once – actually answering the question. What the hey, it's Christmas after all, gor blimey.    Read More

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