
Wednesday 14 December 2011

'The Protester' named as Time Magazine's 2011 'Person of the Year'

"The Protester" was named Wednesday as Time Magazine's 2011 "Person of the Year."

The magazine annually honors the individual or group it deems the most influential that year, and thanks to protests that spread across Europe, the Middle East and the US in 2011, it chose the anonymous "Protester" for the coveted title.

"From the Arab Spring to Athens, from Occupy Wall Street to Moscow...," the magazine's "Person of the Year" cover stated, alongside a drawing of a determined-looking face that is partially obscured by a scarf and hat.

In a reference to the ousting of Moammar Khadafy, the magazine paid tribute to "the people who toppled governments and brought a sense of dignity to a people who didn't have it before."    More Read

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