
Wednesday 14 December 2011

Hacker held over Kiss frontman's website attack

A 24-year-old man allegedly linked to the Anonymous "hacktivist" group has been arrested over a cyber attack on a website run by the frontman of heavy rock group Kiss, the FBI said.

Kevin George Poe, from the northeastern US state of Connecticut, is charged with waging a denial of service attack on, said the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) office in Los Angeles, where he is wanted.

Poe - who used the screen name spydr101 - made an initial appearance in court in Hartford, Connecticut, where a judge ordered him released on a US$10,000 bond, pending his appearance in a federal court in Los Angeles.

He faces up to 15 years in jail if convicted over the attack on Simmons, who is famous for the colourful make-up and costumes worn by Kiss, for whom he plays bass and sings.      Read Here

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