
Friday 18 November 2011

World's highest buildings appear on the threshold of tragedies

World's highest buildings appear on the threshold of tragedies. 45892.jpegSome time ago the United States was called the country of skyscrapers.

Today, tall buildings spanning a few dozen floors can be seen around the world. These "ant hills", as a rule, house offices, commercial and financial centers. High-rise buildings have always been considered a symbol of prestige and this remains to be the case even after the September 11 events in New York.

In 1885 the first building 55 meters tall appeared in Chicago. It belonged to "Home-Insurance" company. Yet, in 1913 this record was more than beat by New York Woolworth (241 meters). External structures were made of glass and aluminum, which allowed attaining the height of 400 meters.   Read More

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