
Sunday 27 November 2011

Tony Abbott says only the 'right' kids should stay at school after year 10

TONY Abbott has declared only the "right kids" should stay at school beyond year 10, saying the rest could be wasting their time. 
The Opposition Leader said he had doubts about a federal government incentive scheme to get more teenagers to stay in school.

“The other point I want to make is that it's all very well keeping kids at school past year 10 but they've got to be the right kids being kept at school past year 10,” he told radio 2UE.

“A lot of kids would probably be better off in the long run leaving school at year 10 and getting an apprenticeship.”

Under the new incentive scheme, parents can qualify for extra family payments - worth an average of $4000 - if their children stay on to finish year 12.    Full Read

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