
Sunday 27 November 2011

Speed was as bubbly as ever on TV, joking and talking about his children. Hours later he was dead

The death of Gary Speed left the football world baffled and devastated yesterday.
The 42-year-old Welsh national manager was found hanged at the £1.5million mansion he shared with his wife and two teenage sons.

Only hours earlier, he had appeared happy and optimistic on BBC1’s Football Focus programme.

He talked enthusiastically about his team’s improving fortunes and his hopes for success in World Cup qualifying matches next year.

Presenter Dan Walker, who spent four hours on and off camera with him, said: ‘He was as bubbly as I’ve known him. He was talking about his kids, how they were really coming on, and talking about playing golf next week. 

‘Even small things like how he’d just got into Twitter. It’s awful to think someone who was so gifted and so well liked with the rest of his life to look forward to has been cruelly removed. He was in such a good mood about the show and said he’d love to come back before Christmas.’     More

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