
Tuesday 18 October 2011

Tony Mokbel seeks to drop guilty plea over role in multi-million dollar drug empire

TONY Mokbel wants taxpayers to pay for him to use a loophole to change his guilty pleas. 
He has admitted running one of Australia's biggest drug empires and an estimated $50 million has already been spent bringing him to justice, the Herald Sun reported. 

But now Mokbel says he wants to plead not guilty - and the former millionaire wants public funds to pay his lawyers for the hearing.

He pleaded guilty over three major drug probes in April and was due to have a Supreme Court pre-sentence hearing yesterday.

The saga, which has spanned more than a decade, hit its latest hurdle when the hearing was told of Mokbel's intention to use improperly sworn police affidavits to change his plea.    More Read

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