
Saturday, 28 April 2012

Die Guillotine: Berlin Artists Say They Will Kill A Live Lamb If The Internet Wants Them To (POLL)

Oh, art. That magical, enigmatic practice that allows you to do anything you want in its name. You could shoot yourself, give birth to a child or lose your virginity for an audience, masturbate in a corner of a museum, or even inject yourself with horse plasma. Anything is fair game.

In Berlin, two students at the Berlin University of the Arts have built a makeshift guillotine that they say they will use to kill a live lamb if the internet wills it so. The artists have set up a website, Die Guillotine, where you can watch a looping video of the guillotine and decide whether or not you want the lamb to die.

There is also a short documentary about the project, which shows the artists smoking a hookah and building their contraption.        Full Read

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