
Wednesday 15 February 2012

Two million dead Americans set to vote

Don’t be surprised if your polling place looks surprisingly dead this year.

A new study reveals that the US voter registration system is riddled with inaccuracies, including erroneous records that reveal that nearly 2 million deceased Americans are able to cast a ballot.

“Inaccurate, costly and inefficient” is how the DC-based Pew Research Center describes the American voter registration system. In a report published by the group this week, they highlight a bevy of barely-believable factoids identified in their findings, including — among other items — that 1.8 million deceased Americans are still listed as active voters.

Elsewhere in their report, Pew reveals that the voter registration information for around 24 million Americans — or one of every eight — is in some form or another “significantly inaccurate.” Around a quarter of the United States’ eligible voters are also not even registered.

To blame, suggests the researchers responsible for the study, are out-of-date technologies that are highly costly to maintain while at the same time being susceptible to mistakes.    Read Full

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