
Wednesday 15 February 2012

NYPD 'pepper-spray cop' sued by OWS protesters

Anthony Bologna is back in hot-water. Bologna, the NYPD officer-turned-YouTube legend, is being sued by the two young women he infamously assaulted with blasts of pepper-spray on the streets of New York during the early days of Occupy Wall Street.

To many, it was the first time they heard of the Occupy movement. If they watched the mainstream news outlets, that is. A week after hundreds of protesters began to descend on Lower Manhattan, a march in New York City incidentally became a turning point in the movement. New York Police Department Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna was filmed macing helpless young women kettled into a confined space by the NYPD. The video was uploaded to the Web and within days went viral.

“It took about three seconds for it to register what had happened,” Chelsea Elliott of Brooklyn told RT after the incident. Along with Jeanne Mansfield of Massachusetts, she was assaulted by Bologna during that Occupy protest and both are now seeking justice.       Read Here

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