
Wednesday 15 February 2012

Chinese media accentuates positives of Xi's trip

(CNN) -- Chinese media on Wednesday played up the positives in Xi Jinping's visit to Washington, avoiding mention of U.S. criticism of human rights but broaching issues of trade and U.S. discontent with the strength of the Chinese currency.

A commentary in the official China Daily said U.S. President Barack Obama was deflecting criticism of his own domestic political problems by drawing attention to the rivalry over the currencies, but that the U.S. administration had little heart for an open fight over the issue.

"When the Senate was about to vote on a bill to punish 'currency manipulators' last fall, the White House put it off with strong words and possibly behind-the-scene political maneuvers," the newspaper said in a commentary.

"Senior economic officials in the Obama administration know that unless all the major Asian currencies increase in value, even a drastic revaluation of the yuan would simply mean U.S. imports from China would just switch to the other countries in the region."         More Read

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