
Tuesday 10 January 2012

Muslims on trial for ‘burn gays’ leaflets

FIVE Muslims went on trial yesterday accused of a hate crime by handing out vile leaflets calling for gays to be EXECUTED.

The men are said to have distributed the leaflets outside a mosque and pushed them through letterboxes before a Gay Pride parade.

One, entitled The Death Penalty?, included a picture of a hanged mannequin. It said a death sentence had "already been passed on every homosexual" and the only issue was whether they were hanged, burned or stoned.

Another was entitled Turn or Burn and featured a blazing lake as an image of hell. A third told gays: "God abhors you" and warned of "severe punishment". A gay man who was handed one of the leaflets told Derby Crown Court: "I felt it meant I was going to get burnt. I've never seen anything so disgraceful. It made me feel physically sick."    More

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