
Monday 19 December 2011

Tears for a tyrant: He oppressed, starved and had them shot for 16 years but N Koreans mourn death of Kim Jong Il... as West fears show of strength from rogue nuclear state

Millions of wailing North Koreans today poured on to the streets in a highly orchestrated display of public mourning after the death of the country's dictator Kim Jong Il.

Prostrating themselves on the ground and sobbing uncontrollably, the Communist state's repressed population gathered in towns and villages to mark the passing of a tyrant who had impoverished his nation, caused millions to starve and shot many of his subjects. Some people were so overcome that they collapsed.

Kim Jong Il died of a heart attack while on a train on Saturday and his death was announced on state television last night. He had ruled the country since succeeding his father Kim Il Sung in 1994.

The news immediately prompted South Korea and Japan to put their militaries on high alert while the U.S. said it could postpone decisions on re-engaging North Korea in nuclear talks and providing it with food aid.        Read More

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