
Monday, 12 December 2011

'Silly, gay and stupid': Police inspector's extraordinary outburst at boy, 15, as he used anti-terror law to stop him from taking pictures at military parade

A police inspector tried to block a teenager taking photos at a public event in a town centre saying it was 'silly' and 'gay' and 'stupid'.

Officers prevented Jules Mattsson - then 15 - from taking pictures at a military parade in Romford, east London, in June 2010.

The Metropolitan Police said compensation had been paid and an apology issued.

Law firm Bindmans, which represented the youngster, said a police inspector had described photographing in public as 'anti-social behaviour'.

'On 26 June 2010, (Jules), at the time a 15-year-old student, was photographing the Armed Forces Day parade in Romford,' said a spokesman for Bindmans.       More

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