
Friday 9 December 2011

School mum banned after family feud

A SIX-year-old boy has been granted court protection from his playmate's mother after a family feud turned ugly. 
In what is believed to be a Victorian first, the prep student's family was granted an intervention order against the school mum last month, after they convinced a magistrate she was a threat to his safety.

The woman, 26, now risks two years' imprisonment, or a fine of almost $30,000, if she goes within 5m of the boy, or his father or seven-year-old brother.

She has been accused of verbally abusing the boy and his family, and encouraging her own six-year-old son to physically and emotionally harass his former friend.

The boys used to enjoy sleep-overs at each others' homes.

But a spat between their parents quickly filtered down to the schoolyard, according to the alleged victim's grandmother.    Read Full

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