
Wednesday 7 December 2011

McDonalds’s Latest Makeover: Good Intentions or Bad Spin?

Children rejoiced and progressives sighed this past week when McDonald’s, always the canniest of the fast-food giants, found a way to circumvent the San Francisco Happy Meal ban as soon as it went into effect. You may remember the Happy Meal ban. Passed into law last fall, it forbade the inclusion of free toys on the not unreasonable supposition that it encouraged children to eat hamburgers. As if they needed encouraging! Nonetheless, it was seen as a check to McDonald’s super-sizing of Americans kids, and inspired much back and forth (including my own take.) So McDonald’s simply started charging a dime for the toys, which is then donated to The Ronald McDonald House, their charity organization. Problem solved! Of course, there was bound to be blowback.      Read More

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