
Tuesday 13 December 2011

How much? Hedge-fund banker racks up £71k Christmas party bill including £44k on vodka, £7k for six magnums of Don Perignon and a £10k tip... all for NINE staff

A City hedge-fund owner lavished £71,000 on booze at a Christmas party for just nine members of staff, it has emerged.

The recession-busting bill included a £10,000 tip for the serving waitress Margaux, which is not a real name.

Other items included a £7,956 service charge and £7,200 on six magnums of Dom Perignon.

Most of the cash was splurged on 24 six-litre bottles of Prince Harry's favourite drink Ciroc Ultra Premium vodka, which came to a total of £44,400.

The drink is served from a futuristic pouring unit called 'Le Halo' and each bottle costs an eye-watering £1,850. 

It was reported the party started last Wednesday at the newly-opened Rose Club off London's Oxford Street in Marylebone and continued into Thursday morning.

The club is owned by nightclub entrepreneurs Piers Adam, 46, and Nick House, 37, who own a string of posh venues in the West End.     More Read

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