
Thursday 10 November 2011

Will USA and Israel join efforts for splendid little war against Iran?

Will USA and Israel join efforts in splendid little war against Iran?. 45830.jpegRussia and Germany have warned Israel against striking Iran. Several day ago, Israeli media said that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was prepared to attack Iran. It was also said that Iran was about to create nuclear weapons.

The bellicose reports appeared shortly before the IAEA published the report devoted to the development of the Iranian nuclear program. According to The Guardian, the report is based on both the work of IAEA inspectors and the information received from secret services. The British newspaper quoted former IAEA inspector Olli Heinonen, who said that Iran had intensified the work on nuclear arms. Iranian scientists, Heinonen said, supposedly built and tested ballistic missiles. They also conducted computer modeling, which gave the country an opportunity to create nuclear warheads at any moment.    Read Here

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