jessica chastain
Here's a casting choice that has me going "huh?!?" Jessica Chastain will be playing Princess Diana in a biopic titled Caught in Flight about the rumored affair the former princess had with Pakistani-born surgeon Dr. Hasnat Khan. And I have to say, I'm just not feeling the Jessica-Di magic.

Maybe it's just because by some miracle I still have not seen a Jessica Chastain movie. I know, what are the odds? She's in everything this year! What can I say, I watch all my movies on Netflix these days so I'll probably catch up on the Chastain mania sometime around late 2012. Anyway, there's a tricky mixture of charm, glamour, vulnerability, calculation, risk-taking, and sheer will that make up Princess Di as we've known her. It's going to be difficult to play that role without turning it into a cheap imitation. Here are the five actresses I think could do Di better than Jessica.   More Read