
Monday, 21 November 2011

Koolie dog Woodley takes his master Richard McCormack's double decker bus for drive in Darwin in Northern Territory

SALES assistant Phil Newton could hardly believe his eyes when he saw a dog driving a double-decker bus through the streets of the far northern Australian city of Darwin. 
"I thought, 'What the ... !'" he told Northern Territory News. "This was weird, even for the [Northern] Territory."

 Newton, 30, said the dog was sitting in the driver's seat with its paws on the steering wheel. He chased after the runaway bus, leapt through an open window and rammed on the handbrake.

 "It ran for a couple of hundred meters (yards), swerved across the road, went up on the footpath and was just about to run into a parked car when I stopped it," he said.    Read More

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