
Monday 17 October 2011

Why my parents don't use Android

Summary: Last week, my parents needed to buy new cell phones. Guess which phone I told them to get?

This week, my colleague James Kendrick completely annihilated ZDNet Editor-in-Chief Larry Dignan in the Great Debate over Android growth.

This gave me a great deal of satisfaction, as this vindicates many of the things I have said in the past about Android.

Although I won the popular vote over Matt Miller in our previous iPhone 5 (cough) debate, TechRepublic Editor in Chief Jason Hiner gave the nod in that battle to Miller.

I felt like I was robbed.

Hiner believes that regardless of how much Android’s market grows, the iPhone and iOS platform is just too compelling for many users who are invested in the system to bail from.   Full Read

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