
Monday 24 October 2011

'Walking Dead' Recap: What Went Down at Hershel's Farm

We left things off in The Walking Dead last week with [NAME REDACTED FOR SPOILERS] lost in the woods, [REDACTED] threatening to leave the group while [REDACTED] begged to go with him, and [REDACTED] getting shot by an unseen assailant. The premiere served up a lot of plot but, in my opinion, ran a little heavy on the bloated monologues—and a little weak on the character development side of things.

Did our story improve this week? I'm voting a resounding HELL YES.


I was happy with tonight's episode from the beginning, with what I thought was a great flashback scene that gave us a nice little emotional gut-punch before things even got going—and, as we were to eventually learn, a parallel to what was about to unravel with Carl's injury.    More Read

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