Stealing candy from babies gets such a bum rap, but on Halloween, it's a perfectly appropriate activity. After all, do we really want little ones' teeth to fall out before they have even come in? I am proud to say I took both my babies trick-or-treating before they were 1, and when we got home, I took their entire haul, divided it between myself and the hubs, and mowed it.

Oh yes, I did. And I would do it again.

The thing is, Halloween is hands-down my favorite holiday. It's so much fun to see the little ones get dressed up and enjoy the fall weather. It's spooky and fun and you get free candy, to boot. What isn't to love about the holiday? When my daughter was 10 months old, she went out dressed like a chili pepper. When my son was nearly 3 months old, he went as a lion in our ensemble family costume (The Wizard of Oz).    More Read