
Monday 24 October 2011

My Own Real-Life 'Pet Sematary' Horror Story

What you are about to read is totally REAL and creepier than a Hollywood horror movie. Welcome to Scary Story Week on The Stir ...
For most of us, there is a critical moment in our childhood that changes the way we think about life.

I'm talking about the day we come to discover life isn't all hunky dory, bowl of cherries and realize that there is a scary dark underbelly in this world. And once we know that dark place is there, we never look at anything the same. Ever.

For me, this revelatory moment was closely tied to a hamster named Spaz (yes, Spaz). A pet that started out as a soft, fuzzy little friend soon revealed to me a world so horrifyingly unfathomable that even death could not save us from its horrors.   Full Read

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