
Tuesday 25 October 2011

Moscow to build cheap hotels and Disneyland to attract foreign tourists

Moscow to build cheap hotels and Disneyland to attract foreign tourists. 45704.jpegNew 25-storied inexpensive three-star hotels will appear in Moscow. The Moscow government is trying to increase the tourist flow in the Russian capital. The goal is to have a twofold increase within the forthcoming several years.

For the time being, Moscow does not seem to be a very attractive city for foreign tourists. Sadly enough, the Russian capital does not attract many Russians either. The home tourism in Moscow develops slower than in Nizhny Novgorod, for instance.

A friend of mine, an Italian woman, asked me once what places of interest I would recommend her to visit in Moscow. I have to say that her question left me perplexed a bit. I didn't want to recommend the Lenin's Tomb, although it could probably be of interest for foreign tourists - to take a look at the mummy of the world's greatest revolutionary.   Read More

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