
Tuesday 25 October 2011

Herman Cain Should Be Judged by His Pizza, Not His Politics

When Herman Cain arrived on the Republican presidential scene, I perked up. Godfather's Pizza! Are they even still in business? I remember Godfather's from my childhood in Denver, back before I found out what pizza is supposed to taste like. Amiright? Was this your first pizza, too? I thought Godfather's had gone extinct, but no. It's just that I had moved to New York City, where puffy pizza is against the law.

So now that I'm all grown up, I'm wondering ... is Godfather's actually good pizza? I had bad taste when I was a child, so my memory is unreliable. Even more important, is it fair to judge a presidential candidate by his pizza? If he's a former Godfather's Pizza CEO, why not?

Four slices of cheap, cheesy, pepperoni-topped political analysis, coming right up!    More Read

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