
Monday 17 October 2011

Fourth anniversary: President pledges not to let sacrifices of October 18 victims go in vain

ISLAMABAD: Co-Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) President Asif Ali Zardari has reiterated his pledge to continue the fight against the militant mindset that had challenged the Pakistani way of life, pledging “their sacrifices will not be allowed to go in vain,” as he prepared to observe the fourth anniversary of the October 18 attack on the welcome convoy of Benazir Bhutto.

“On this day four years ago nearly two hundred fans of democracy and believers in moderation embraced martyrdom when the convoy welcoming the return to the country of the icon of democracy and reconciliation Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto to Pakistan after years of exile was attacked by extremists, militants and enemies of democracy,” he said.   More Read

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